Society for Disaster Medicine and Public Health     Achieving Global Health Security

Climate Change: The Intersection of Disaster Medicine and Public Health with Climate and Health

December 3, 2021

Live Virtual Conference | Powered By Whova

  • What can health care professionals do to promote climate change more effectively to improve morbidity/mortality in the future?
  • How can they be better prepared?
  • How do different medical professions and specialties respond?

The conference goal is to explore how we better train, educate and prepare the health workforce to more effectively deal with the broad range of disaster events in the face of the continuing detrimental changes in human ecology secondary to the impacts of climate change. This meeting is meant to provide a broad overview of the landscape and will be followed by a series of webinars in 2021 that will focus on individual events such as Hurricane, Floods, Famine, Pandemic, etc.

Schedule of Events

John M Balbus, MD, MPH

Senior Advisor for Public Health;
Director, NIEHS-WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Sciences

John Englander

John Englander   

Sea Level Rise and Climate Change Expert

Jeff Schlegelmilch

Jeffrey Schlegelmilch, MPH, MBA

Director, National Center for Disaster Preparedness

Columbia University

Dr. Raymond Swienton

Raymond Swienton, MD

Program Director, Emergency & Disaster Global Health

UT Southwestern Medical Center

Asha Devereaux, MD, MPH

Critical Care Medicine Specialist, Coronado, CA

Shinichi Egawa, MD


Assistant Director of the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Professor at Tohoku University’s Division of International Cooperation for Disaster Medicine

Jason Davis, PhD, CHP

Business Operations Manager and Health Physicist with the Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS) Medical Team

P. Whitehead Photo

Phyllis B Whitehead, PhD, APRN

Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital Palliative Care Service and Associate Professor at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine


Erik SVENDSEN | Division Director | PhD | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, GA | CDC | National Center for Environmental Health - Page 2

Erik Svendsen, Ph D

Director of the Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice, National Center for Environmental Health

Centers for Disease Control

Georges Benjamin

Georges C. Benjamin, MD

Executive Director

American Public Health Association

Anat Gesser-Edelsburg, PhD

Founding Director of Health and Risk Communication Research Center, School of Public Health, University of Haifa

José F. Cordero

Jose F Cordero, MD, MPH

Epidemiology & Biostatistics

University of Georgia School of Public Health

Caitlin S. Rublee, MD, MPH

Caitlin S. Rublee, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor; Division of Global and Population Health,

Medical College of Wisconsin